inxi :: dependencies and recommended programs

Page Version: 1.3
Page Updated: 2018-03-17


Dependencies are programs that are required for inxi to run.

Check your distro or OS for proper package name by doing this:

which [application]

Then find what package owns that application file.

Program names in parentheses are BSD equivalents, where applicable.

Note that all graphics packages previously labeled Depends have been made Recommends because inxi can run on headless or X-less systems, as a system utility. Distro maintainers can decide what they want to do with the X utilities.

You can run the start option inxi --recommends which will print out all dependencies and recommends, along with some other information, then tell you which package you need to install to add that feature.

Linux only: /proc and /sys

The following are not programs per se, but are things that are also required for inxi to run properly.



Recommends are programs that are required to run certain specific features of inxi, but are not required to run inxi itself. We always strive to keep recommends to a bare minimum, to make inxi as portable and flexible as possible.

Check your distro or OS for proper package name by doing this:

which [application]

Then find what package owns that application file.

Program names in parentheses are BSD equivalents, where applicable.

Note that all graphics packages are Recommends because inxi can run on headless or X-less systems, as a system utility. Distro maintainers can decide what they want to do with the X utilities, if it's possible to test if X packages are installed, and if so, install these Recommends as Dependencies, that would be ideal.

You can run the start option --recommends which will print out all dependencies and recommends, along with some other information, then tell you which package you need to install to add that feature.


inxi --recommends sample

inxi has a built in tool to tell you what is available in your system and what is missing. As of version 3.0.0, the recommends is given for the relevant OS and distro, where applicable.

inxi --recommends
inxi will now begin checking for the programs it needs to operate.

Check inxi --help or the man page (man inxi) to see what options are 
Test: core tools:

Perl version:  5.024001
Current shell: bash 4.4.12
Default shell: bash
Test: required system directories:
/proc: ............................................................ Present
/sys: ............................................................. Present
All required system directories are present
Test: recommended system programs:
dig: -i wlan IP.................................................... Present
dmidecode: -M if no sys machine data; -m........................... Present
file: -o unmounted file system..................................... Present
hddtemp: -Dx show hdd temp......................................... Present
ifconfig: -i ip LAN (deprecated)................................... Missing
ip: -i ip LAN...................................................... Present
lsusb: -A usb audio; -N usb networking; --usb...................... Present
modinfo: Ax; -Nx module version.................................... Present
runlevel: -I fallback to Perl...................................... Present
sensors: -s sensors output......................................... Present
strings: -I sysvinit version....................................... Missing
sudo: -Dx hddtemp-user; -o file-user............................... Missing
tree: --debugger 20,21 /sys tree................................... Missing
uptime: -I uptime.................................................. Present
The following recommended system programs are missing:
Program: ifconfig ~ Install package: net-tools
Program: strings ~ Install package: binutils
Program: sudo ~ Install package: sudo
Program: tree ~ Install package: tree
Test: recommended display information programs:
glxinfo: -G glx info............................................... Missing
xdpyinfo: -G multi screen resolution............................... Missing
xprop: -S desktop data............................................. Missing
xrandr: -G single screen resolution................................ Missing
The following recommended display information programs are missing:
Program: glxinfo ~ Install package: mesa-utils
Program: xdpyinfo ~ Install package: X11-utils
Program: xprop ~ Install package: X11-utils
Program: xrandr ~ Install package: x11-xserver-utils
Test: recommended downloader programs (You only need one of these):
Perl HTTP::Tiny is the default downloader tool if IO::Socket::SSL is present. 
See --help --alt 40-44 options for how to override default downloader(s) in 
case of issues. 
If dig is installed, it is the default for WAN IP data. Strongly recommended. 
Dig is fast and accurate. 
curl: -i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U.................................... Missing
dig: -i wlan IP.................................................... Present
wget: -i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U.................................... Present
The following recommended downloader programs are missing. However, you really 
only need dig in most cases. All systems should have at least one of the 
downloader options present.: 
Program: curl ~ Install package: curl
Test: recommended Perl modules (Optional):
None of these are strictly required, but if you have them all, you can 
eliminate some recommended non Perl programs from the install. 
HTTP::Tiny and IO::Socket::SSL must both be present to use as a downloader 
HTTP::Tiny: -U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed)................... Present
IO::Socket::SSL: -U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed).............. Missing
Time::HiRes: -C cpu sleep (not required); --debug timers........... Present
Cpanel::JSON::XS: --output json - required for export.............. Present
XML::Dumper: --output xml - Crude and raw.......................... Present
The following recommended Perl modules are missing:
Perl Module: IO::Socket::SSL ~ Install package: libio-socket-ssl-perl
Test: recommended directories:
/dev: -l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D disk partition data........................ Present
/dev/disk/by-id: -D serial numbers................................. Present
/dev/disk/by-label: -l,-o,-p,-P partition labels................... Present
/dev/disk/by-path: -D extra data................................... Present
/dev/disk/by-uuid: -u,-o,-p,-P partition uuid...................... Present
/sys/class/dmi/id: -M system, motherboard, bios.................... Present
All recommended directories are present
Test: recommended files:
Note that not all of these are used by every system, so if one is missing it's 
usually not a big deal. 
/etc/lsb-release: -S distro version data (older version)........... Missing
/etc/os-release: -S distro version data (newer version)............ Present
/proc/asound/cards: -A sound card data............................. Missing
/proc/asound/version: -A ALSA data................................. Missing
/proc/cpuinfo: -C cpu data......................................... Present
/proc/mdstat: -R mdraid data (if you use dm-raid).................. Missing
/proc/meminfo: -I,-tm, -m memory data.............................. Present
/proc/modules: -G module data (sometimes).......................... Present
/proc/mounts: -P,-p partition advanced data........................ Present
/proc/scsi/scsi: -D Advanced hard disk data (used rarely).......... Missing
/var/log/Xorg.0.log: -G graphics driver load status................ Missing
The following recommended files are missing:
File: /etc/lsb-release
File: /proc/asound/cards
File: /proc/asound/version
File: /proc/mdstat
File: /proc/scsi/scsi
File: /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Ok, all done with the checks. Have a nice day.


Legacy inxi dependencies and recommends

Version 3.0.0 is a full rewrite of Bash/Gawk inxi into Perl, and so the dependencies and recommends have changed significantly. The following dependencies and recommends are for the legacy Bash/Gawk inxi, whose last release was 2.3.56


Dependencies are programs that are required for inxi to run.

Package names in (...) are the Debian Squeeze package name. Check your distro for proper package name by doing this: which -application- then find what package owns that application file.

Please check the inxi top comment header for the latest Depends/Recommends listing, it should always be up to date, unlike this wiki page.

Note that all graphics packages previously labeled Depends have been made Recommends because inxi should be able to run on headless or X-less systems, as a system utility. Distro maintainers can decide what they want to do with the X utilities, if it's possible to test if X packages are installed, and if so, install these Recommends as Dependencies, that would be ideal.

As of version 1.6.6, you can run the start option inxi --recommends which will print out all dependencies and recommends, along with some other information, then tell you which package you need to install to add that feature.

/proc and /sys

Linux only: The following are not programs per se, but are things that are also required for inxi to run properly.

General issues with Bash



Recommends are programs that are required to run certain specific features of inxi, but are not required to run inxi itself. We always strive to keep recommends to a bare minimum, to make inxi as portable and flexible as possible.

Package names in (...) are the Debian Squeeze package name. Check your distro for proper package name by doing this: which -application- then find what package owns that application file.

Please check the inxi top comment header for the latest Depends/Recommends listing, it should always be up to date, unlike this wiki page.

Note that all graphics packages previously labeled Depends have been made Recommends because inxi should be able to run on headless or X-less systems, as a system utility. Distro maintainers can decide what they want to do with the X utilities, if it's possible to test if X packages are installed, and if so, install these Recommends as Dependencies, that would be ideal.

As of version 1.6.6, you can run the start option --recommends which will print out all dependencies and recommends, along with some other information, then tell you which package you need to install to add that feature.
