acxi options:

acxi version: 3.6.02
acxi date: 2024-04-08

The following are the supported options of acxi. If your version of acxi is missing any of these options, update to the newest version, or file an issue report with your distro to have them update their acxi package.

acxi v: 3.6.02-0 (2024-04-08)
While long option names are provided, it's usually easier to use short forms.
Sample Usage: acxi
[--quality 8 --destination /music/main/ogg] [-q8 -d /music/main/ogg]
[--input flac --output ogg --append pdf] [-i flac -o ogg -a pdf]
[--copy doc,docx,bmp --clean sync --fork 4] [-c doc,docx,bmp --clean sync -F4]
[--source ./ --infofix cknw] [-s./ -Xcknw]
[--source ./ --prefill --multi 'at:-'] [-s./ -EM 'at:-']
[--source ./ --glob 'BandX*' --checksum --autotag] [-s./ -g 'BandX*' -AK]
When no options are supplied it will sync your configured directories/codecs.
Input/Output options:
--destination, -d Path to the directory where you want the processed
                  (eg, ogg) files to go.
                  Current value: /home/username/music/opus
--dot             Also sync files and directories starting with a '.'. Don't
                  blame acxi if this creates unintended consequences!!
--input, -i       Input type: {aif,flac,raw,shn,wav}. shn requires codec
                  shorten. raw,shn only output to flac. Current value: flac
--nlink           Set $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 0. Expert use only.
--no-dot          Override user configuration setting for DOT (--dot) [default].
--no-nlink        Set $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1 [default].
                  Expert use only.
--output, -o      Output types: {aac|flac|m4a|mp3|ogg|opus}. All types except flac
                  require input type flac. To preserve flac tags for aac, use m4a.
                  Current value: opus
--recurse {0-xx}  Set directory recursion levels. Default infinite. Useful
                  for having syncing or checksum tools ignore sub directories.
--source, -s      Path to the top-most directory containing your source files.
                  Current value: /home/username/music/flac
--source-glob, --glob, -g {Path inside -s directory with wildcards}
                  Wildcard path, using *, paths relative to -s path.
                  Allows work on only a subset of files/directories in -s path.
Syncing options:
--append, --copy-append, -a
                  Add extension type(s) to existing extension copy list.
                  1 or more, comma separated, no spaces.
                  Sample: -a tag,pdf
--clean           Clean directories and files from destination not found in
                  source music directory. Will show you directories/files to
                  be deleted then ask you to confirm (twice) that you want to
                  remove that set of files or directories. Exits at end.
                  optional value 'sync' is used: --clean sync
--codec           {libfdk-aac|aac} - if you want to use alternate codec.
                  Output -o aac/m4a only
--copy, -c        Comma separated list of alternate data types to copy to
                  Output type directories. Comma separated, no spaces.
                  Current copy types: gif jpg jpeg png txt flac
                  Sample: -c png,jpg,pdf,txt,tag
--dither          Alternate dither type for resampling. Possible values:
                  improved_e_weighted]. Current: shibata
--exclude, -x     Exclude a list of unique strings separated by ^^. Excludes
                  sync/copy action to destination directory. Replaces
                  $EXCLUDE values if present. Anything matching in file path
                  will be excluded. Can also be path to a file of excludes.
                  Sample: --exclude='artwork^^Daisy Queen^^Bon Jovi'
                  Sample: --exclude='/home/me/music/excludes/acxi-exclude.txt
--exclude-append, -y
                  Append an item to the list of excludes or file.
                  Sample: --exclude-append='My Sharona^^Dancing Queen'
--ffmpeg          Force flac to ogg/opus conversions to use ffmpeg. Useful if
                  you want to include embedded images to oggs (Experimental).
--force, -f       Force overwrite the mp3/ogg/opus/jpg/txt/etc. files, even
                  if they already exist.
--fork, -F        [0-x] - Number of forks/threads to use. 0 default, disables.
                  Requires Perl module: Parallel::ForkManager. Current: 0
--quality, -q {n} Qualities for output types:
                  flac: n 0-8. 8 smallest, but > 4 generally pointless.
                  aac/m4a: n 10-500. 500 best.
                  ogg: n -1-10. 10 best. Decimals OK.
                  opus: n 6-256. Variable bit rate. 256 best.
                  mp3: n 0-9.999. Variable bit rate, 0 best. Decimals OK.
                  Current values: 160 (aac/m4a); 4 (flac); 
                  3 (mp3); 7 (ogg); 160 (opus)
--resample        {bit depth:sample rate khz} - Supports bit depth 16|20|24 and
                  sample rates 44.1|48|88.2|96|192. Read manual for more info.
                  Example --resample 16:48
                  Allows all supported flac resampling values: 2-32 bit depths;
                  1-655 khz sampling rates (decimals ok).
Tagging options:
--autotag, -A     Requires auto.tag formatted file in each directory. Flac only.
                  Deletes all existing tags, then creates a fully tagged set of
--autotag-create, -C
                  Create auto.tag template in source directory. Will be
                  populated with file names for recording filled in already in
                  track listing. Preserves existing REPLAYGAIN values. Not
                  recommended, use -S or -M instead.
--autotag-create-multi, -M {disc ID}
                  Required argument tells logic how to determine your disc
                  numbering method. % is used to indicate the value is a number
                  between 1-9. @ is used to indicate a letter between A-Z. 
                  Will complete TRACKTOTAL, DISCNUMBER, TRACKNUMBER values
                  in auto.tag file, which saves a lot of time. See -E for more
                  prefill options.
                  Samples: -M d% [d1track02.flac]; -M d%- [d2-track04.flac];
                  -M % [112.flac]; -M 2015-03-21.d%. [2015-03-21.d1.t03.flac]
                  -M @ [A12.flac]; -M d@- [da-track02.flac];
                  Flac input type only.
--autotag-create-single, -S
                  For single disc recordings, will also add TRACKTOTAL and
                  TRACKNUMBER counts when creating and populating the
                  auto.tag file. See -E for more prefill options.
--autotag-file, --atf, --af {file name}
                  One time change of auto.tag file name. Use unique name.
--ffprobe         Force use of ffprobe for FLAC analysis in -Z/-Xq
--image, -I [jpg,png image file name|remove]
                  Embed image file into single recording directory. 'remove'
                  value only removes images. -RI also removes existing images.
--info-file, --if, --prefill-file, --pf {file name}
                  Alternate file name to use for --prefill, --taglist=i,
--infofix, -X [0acdklmnqtuvw]
                  Fix info.txt files. Use any combination. Always corrects white
                  0: (zero) No printed leading delimiter characters per line.
                  a: Add numbering to unnumbered track/setlists. See man.
                  c: Correct Windows CP-1252 special character issues.
                  d: Make iso date: YYYY-MM-DD from various random date formats.
                  k: Adds (weekday) after iso date. Activates d.
                  l: Set all lowercase, and apply simple upper case first fixes.
                  m: Add parentheses around track times, move to end, in track
                  n: Make track numbering 'NN. ' (0 padded) or 'N-NN. '
                  q: Add FLAC/Quality: /[quality] items to info file.
                  t: Fix upper/lower case track titles.
                  u: Fix entire file upper/lower.
                  v: Add FFP verification to q (FLAC only). Activates q.
                  w: Write changes to file.
                  t and u use Title upper case main words.
--info-rating {2-xxx}
                  Change default rating value for --infofix q. Current: 4;
--multiartist, --ma {[at|ta]:separator}
                  Use with --prefill if track titles in info file contain artist
                  and song name. Examples:
                  'at:-' (2. Artist - Title); 'ta:\' (2. Title \ Artist)
                  Separator: one or more non-space characters that separate the
                  artist/title values. Separator must have 1 or more spaces on
                  each side in the info track title. Invalid: 'at:-' Band-Title
                  Valid: 'at:-' Band-Name - Title
--prefill, -E     Attempt to prefill auto.tag file using info.txt data. See man
                  for required syntax and structure of data in info file.
--prefill-tag, --pft, --pt {tag data}
                  Uses same syntax as --tag. Adds tag+values to auto.tag.
                  Value 'UNSET' removes the PREFILL_TAG configuration value.
--no-replaygain   Does not preserve REPLAYGAIN values for autotag-create.
--remove-images, -R, --image-remove
                  Remove all embedded images and image padding from file. Either
                  prior to embedding new one with -I/-A, or just to remove them.
--remove-padding, -P
                  For --autotag and --tag also removes block padding. Slows.
                  tagging down significantly.
--start {0-xx}    For auto.tag, starts tag numbering of tracks at supplied
                  integer value. Useful if tracks start at 00.flac or 07.flac
--tag, -T         {"TAG1%:tag value^^TAG2%:tag value}
                  Updates one or more recordings with the supplied FLAC
                  tag/value pairs. Removes existing sets of the given type.
                  Use ^^ to separate tag key/value pairs, and %: to separate
                  the tag name and its value. Value 'UNSET' removes the tag.
--taglist, -L     [acfisw] Print to screen generated tag data in FLAC
                  directories using Vorbis tag data found in each file.
                  Use 'w' to write to data to file(s).
                  a: Switch to '%:' separator, and write to auto.tag.
                  c: Generate condensed tag list data.
                  f: Generate full per audio file tag list data (default).
                  i: Generate info.txt data. Can be used with 'a' or 'f'.
                  s: Skip file(s) exist tests. Don't use with 'w'.
                  w: Write changes to file(s). Only writes if info.txt
                  and/or taglist.tag/auto.tag files are not already present.
--taglist-file, --tlf, --tf {file}
                  Alternate file name to use for --taglist.
--unique {tags}   Comma separated list of tags to be used only 1x per file, and
                  unset after. Can also be manually set on top of auto.tag
                  with UNIQUE%:. Use with -C/-S/-M to set UNIQUE%: in
                  auto.tag, and with -A to manually add UNIQUE%: tag list.
                  See man page.
Analyze/Checksum options:
--analyze, -Z     Analyze contents of directories, creates screen report per
                  file/directory. Uses default input type, or -i type. Shows
                  total time, size, ffp avg kbs, etc. Similar to -Xq but prints
                  to screen. -v0 shows only per directory summary data;
                  -v2 adds ffp (flac only), changes to 1 key:value pair per
                  line; -v 3 adds precision. See also -Xq, -Xv
--checksum, -K    Create .ffp and .md5 checksum files in your source directory.
                  Checksum files are only created inside directories where flac
                  files are found. Use --checksum-delete if you also want
                  to delete existing checksum files. Only flac type
                  is supported.
                  Do not use together with cleaning/syncing options!
--checksum-delete, -D
                  Delete all existing .ffp, .md5, .ffp.txt, and md5.txt files
                  before creating the new checksum files. Files only deleted in
                  directories where flac files are found.
--checksum-ffps, --ffps
                  Prints only ffps to screen, turns off md5 tests
--checksum-verify, -V
                  Verifies FLAC files and confirms MD5 file data matches actual
                  files found. Can be run alone or with --checksum options.
--duplicates, --dupes
                  Test a directory of many releases for duplicated ffp files.
--no-ffp          Skips ffp processing on --checksum or --checksum-verify.
--no-md5          Skips md5 processing on --checksum or --checksum-verify.
--z-min-size {0-xxx}
                  Use with -Z. Change min lossless file size for ALERT.
--z-min-time {0-xxx}
                  Use with -Z. Change min audio file time for ALERT.
Miscellaneous options:
--aggregate, -G   [filename|extension] Copy file name or extension type to
                  --destination directory. If no argument given, copies over
                  auto.tag. Do not use . in extension (jpg good, .jpg bad)
                  You can supply more than one filename or extension:
                  (file name): acxi -d ~/music/cdinfo --aggregate info.txt
                  (extension): acxi -d ~/music/cdinfo --aggregate jpg
                  (several): acxi -d ~/music/cdinfo --aggregate png,jpg,info.txt
--config, --configuration
                  Show active configuration values, by file, then exit.
--help, -h        This help menu.
--no-ssl          Disable SSL for update. Useful if legacy server and -U3.
--update, -U      Update acxi and man page. Set paths if not Linux.
                  -U 3 updates from server directly, skips codeberg.
                  Current values: acxi: /usr/local/bin
                  man acxi.1: /usr/local/share/man/man1
--version         Show acxi version.
Debug/Output control options:
--dbg             {1-xx}[,xx] Trigger specific debuggers data. See man.
--dry, --dry-run, --test
                  Test copy, sync, autotag, checksum without actually doing
--quiet           Turns off most screen output, except for error messages.
                  Only disables screen output is logical to do so. Same as -v 0
                  the action.
--verbosity, -v   {0-3} Dynamically set VERBOSITY. Current value: 1
                  0: Turns off all output, except for error messages.
                  1: Basic single line per operation output, default value.
                  2: Without full verbosity of -v3, no flac/lame/oggenc/opusenc
                  for conversion process screen output.
                  3: Full output, including full verbosity of ffmpeg/flac/
                  lame/oggenc/opusenc conversion process for aac, m4a, mp3, ogg,
                  or opus output.
User Configs (checked in this order):
Requires this syntax (any user modifiable variable can be used)
Do not use $, ", or ' in config options or values (except in path names).
