 Home Page :: inxi smxi sgfxi svmi rbxi

Winner of the March 2009 award donation.

Welcome to the smxi/sgfxi/svmi + inxi + rbxi group of tools main site. Documentation is being updated and improved routinely, so check out the various sections and see if what you needed to know has been answered already.

Donations are always welcome! The smallest amount is still more than nothing.

 Script Documentation Resources

There are a range of help and end user resources available, as well as more developer oriented materials. You can find them here:
1 - General documentation (manuals, options, how-to's).
2 - inxi documentation (manuals, options, how-to's).
3 - Brief introduction to what smxi, sgfxi, svmi, inxi, and rbxi do.
4 - The story of smxi. How it started, what it does, and its current options.
5 - How to install tools (smxi, sgfxi, svmi, inxi, and rbxi).
6 - FAQs. Answers to questions about the tools in general.
7 - smxi FAQs. Smxi specific questions.
8 - sgfxi FAQs. Sgfxi specific questions (video drivers etc).
9 - smxi change log/blog. Random thoughts and change notes, nothing exciting.

 Script Forums and Contact Resources

The tools have support forums, which I encourage you to use to file bug reports, feature requests, and so on. Also note the changeblog, which is sometimes up-to date.

Please use the existing bug report or feature requests threads to report issues for the tool in question. That helps keep the forums reasonably uncluttered and readable for other users. Thanks.
1 - User forums, where you can post bugs, issues, questions.
2 - Developer forums, talk about code and other more dev oriented things.
3 - Contact project. But generally use forums, IRC, or git repo issues.
4 - Follow on (nope, not on twitter, never).

 Code Repositories

The tools all have their own code repositories, where you can check out the code (and see if you can figure out how it all works), file issues, or checkout documentation. Here's what is available: