smxi :: script navigation and choices
Page Version: 1.11 Page Updated: December 3 2012
This is the basic structure of the options in smxi. You can also check out the basic smxi manual for some further information.
Note that kernel options appear pre upgrade if your kernel version is different than the current kernel in apt, and if you have not set smxi to use no-kernel option.
First Run Options
These options only show up the first time you run it, your choices will be stored in a config file, /etc/smxi.conf
- Initial script information, choice to exit.
- If Debian, select debian version (this is not what the script uses to set the working system base, it's just some information it uses to let smxi know that this is a safe system to run on so it doesn't ask you again). Please note: smxi will always determine dynamically what your true system base is based on checking the apt repos you have activated to avoid any possible error.
- If system base is Debian Sid / Testing, offer Liquorix kernel source install.
- Select apt/aptitude as your default smxi package manager tool.
- Select dist-upgrade/upgrade/safe-upgrade. upgrade is only for Debian Etch or apt-get run systems. safe-upgrade is new aptitude option in Lenny and newer Debians. apt-get uses only upgrade. You will only see the choices that fit with your system and selections.
- sticky prefs - simply tells you that the choices will be stored, hit enter to continue.
- Debian sources - lets you change your default debian mirrors, pick by country. Also accessible by -m option.
- Kernel Metapackage - remove metapackages if you want, if it's a supported distro like Debian that uses metapackages. Generally using metapackages isn't a very good idea since any kernel at any time might cause problems. I prefer manual control over my kernels. Each to their own however. Run any time by starting smxi with -N option.
- Update to non free/contrib in sources, if absent. Select yes or continue without adding nonfree/contrib.
- Right before the first upgrade/dist-upgrade/full-upgrade fixes run, or before your first kernel install, you will be given the option to update locales to get rid of excessive locales. This feature runs for Aptosid, Mepis, and AntiX, but not for Debian, since Debian doesn't install all those locales. You can also launch this with -L option.
Always available options
- System and script information. No user options except to continue. Includes a range of useful data: installed kernel, latest available kernel, ATI/Nvidia card alerts and notices, last apt use/updates, upgrade, and script use.
- KERNEL OPTIONS. Always available in Post Upgrade Options.
(NOTE: this is turned OFF in the pre upgrade section if -G Gui option is used, but it is available via the main options section)- install-apt-kernel (note: this only shows if the kernel in apt is different than the currently running kernel on your system. However, you can always install the current apt kernel using the alternate-kernel-install section)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- alternate-kernel-install
- Select from list of archived kernels
- install-debian-kernel (default 32/64 Debian kernel for your system)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- install-debian-486/686-kernel (only present if 32 bit. Shows the opposite kernel to your current installed type)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- install-liquorix-kernel (only if you have liquorix sources enabled)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- install-siduction-kernel (only if you have Siduction sources enabled)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- install-aptosid-kernel (only if you have Aptosid sources enabled)
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- back-to-main-menu
- advanced-kernel-options (some options that will be used less often):
- kernel-metapackage-options (Debian, Aptosid, and Liquorix)
- remove-kernel-metapackages
- install-kernel-metapackages-custom (currently only for Aptosid kernel users)
- install-current-apt-kernel
- yes-install-kernel
- no-return-to-menu
- continue-no-kernel
- continue-manual/meta (depending on your settings) - returns to super-advanced-options section.
- add-liquorix-sources - Test for and add if missing Liquorix kernel sources, if you want to use Liquorix kernels.
- add-siduction-sources - Test for and add if missing Siduction kernel sources, if you want to use Siduction/Towo kernels (note that by adding Siduction sources, you may pull in packages from Sid in the Siduction repositories, so if you use Debian Testing, you may want to be aware of that).
- change-smxi-default-kernel - change the kernel smxi tests for default apt kernel install. Also sets the latest kernel shown in the system information section. This feature is also available from Miscellaneous Tweaks, Advanced Tweaks
- install-kernel-modules
- Select from list of modules. Not all modules available for all kernels.
- continue
- remove-kernel-modules
- Select from list of modules installed on your system, removes one by one as you select them.
- continue
- return-to-previous-menu - Go back to main advanced kernel options menu.
- kernel-metapackage-options (Debian, Aptosid, and Liquorix)
- kernel-remover - shows list of kernels, will remove all pieces, then also remove if you want, the smxi kernel download directories. This feature also available in Clean Up section.
- continue
- install-apt-kernel (note: this only shows if the kernel in apt is different than the currently running kernel on your system. However, you can always install the current apt kernel using the alternate-kernel-install section)
- Warning / Alert section. Debian Sid, Testing, and Stable each use their own set of warnings, holds, and alerts. Shows warnings/alerts for system base.
(NOTE: this is turned OFF if -G Gui option is used)- continue (goes on to upgrade/dist-upgrade)
- continue-no-dist-upgrade/upgrade/safe-upgrade (skips the upgrade component, goes right to Post Upgrade Options)
- quit (exit, maybe warnings are too serious etc)
- Upgrade Section.
(NOTE: this is turned OFF if -G Gui option is used)- If you start smxi with -L option, will offer the reconfigure locales option, which also runs always the first time you use smxi to upgrade.
- Sets holds for the upgrade if required.
- Runs pre upgrade fixes, selected for system base (Sid, Testing, Stable)
- Shows config file keep or update to latest y/n list.
- For Debian Sid users: tests for packages to be removed from dist-upgrade then prints those out prior to the actual dist-upgrade running. This can be quite useful to avoid uninstalling your desktop by accident or something. If no packages are removed, it will tell you that. aptitude or Debian Testing/Stable users will not see this.
Also tries to compare packages to be Added to packages to be Removed, and lists any possible matches, to help you determine the best course of action. - After the first upgrade is done, you see these options:
- use-install-f
- dist-upgrade/safe-upgrade/upgrade-again
- check-services - offers to install rcconf if missing, then runs it. WARNING: DO NOT TURN OFF SERVICES IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO! This can render your system unbootable.
- continue
- exit (or reboot for kernel metapackage users if they get a new kernel installed)
- Post upgrade fixes, a few fixes may run post upgrade, plus any holds set are removed at this point.
( called: MAIN OPTION SELECTOR :: SMXI X/GUI MODE if smxi is started with -G gui option)
This section has a wide range of options for carrying out a variety of system tasks:- package-install. Primary sections are:
- office ( detections done dynamically to offer you correct options for your system)
- libreoffice/ - advanced OOo/libreoffice installer, handles language packs, dictionaries, kde packages if needed.
- libreoffice/openoffice-hold-install - tool to put LibreOffice/OOo on hold, remove holds, or update packages manually.
- kde-pim
- back-to-install-menu
- non-free - adds sources if required.
- opera
- flash-plugin (or mozillaflash if available)
- java-plugin
- msttcore-fonts
- skype
- google-earth
- back-to-install-menu
- utilities
- console-tools - every system should have these
- console-browsers - and these
- system-utilities - all the basics, alsa, hal, udev, powersave, etc.
- swiftfox - custom installer, gives options, pick for your cpu.
- streamtuner
- captive-to-ntfs-3g - update to ntfs-3g if needed.
- yakuake
- h2-favorites - asks one by one core package groups, console tools/browsers kde-extras, system-utilities, inxi, mozilla browser/email.
- ceni
- inxi - New! Fork of the venerable but decayed and buggy Infobash - inxi is bigger, better, has more options, and richer output control. Replaces Infobash, which is no longer supported in smxi.
- back-to-install-menu
- desktop-environment - install desktop of your choice, either full, with Xorg, System Utilities, or just the base packages.
- select-display-manager - if you don't have a default already, install from a list of several: kdm gdm slim (if available), xdm, wdm.
- base-light-packages Installs basic light apps for light desktops (xchat, leafpad, pcmanfm, etc). No gtk/qt apps.
- system-utilities Make sure you have it in: hal/udev alsa gpm.
- xorg All the xorg pieces you need to get up and running.
- base-plus-xorg xorg + system-utilities + wdm if kdm/gdm not present.
- fluxbox Installs lightweight window manager. Good for old hardware.
- base-plus-fluxbox fluxbox + xorg + system utitilies/base light packages + display manager.
- fvwm-crystal Installs lightweight window manager.
- fvwm-crystal + xorg + system utitilies/base light packages + display manager.
- gnome Base packages for gnome desktop + gnome-applets, konversation, konqueror.
- base-plus-gnome gnome + xorg + system utitilies + gdm (if no dm installed).
- gnome-extras Installs extras like gnome-backgrounds, gnome-extra-icons, etc.
- kde Base packages for kde desktop + kpdf/okular, konversation, konqueror.
- kde + xorg + system utitilies + kdm (if no dm installed).
- kde-extras Installs extras like konq-plugins, color picker, ark, knemo, kmix, etc.
- kde-pim - akregator, karm/ktimetracker, kontact, korganizer, kalarm.
- lxde Installs popular new lightweight window manager. Good for old hardware.
- base-plus-lxde lxde + xorg + system utitilies/base light packages + display manager.
- lxde-extras Installs extras like lxnm, lxlauncher, lxmusic, etc (if available).
- openbox Installs lightweight window manager. Also adds openbox/kde or openbox/gnome option in gdm/kdm which lets you run a lighter weight version of those desktops.
- xfce A really pleasant, light weight but not light featured display manager.
- base-plus-xfce xfce + xorg + system utitilies/base light packages + wdm if kdm/gdm not present.
- back-to-install-menu
- servers - pick basic samba, nfs, or apache/mysql/php components
- apache-mysql-php
- apache2-full - Installs Apache, MySql, and PHP, in the proper order.
- apache2-server - Installs apache2-mpm-prefork server and apache2-utils
- apache2-configuration - Installs rapache a graphical user tool for configuring Apache2 It allows easy creation of virtual name hosts and activating modules all without any knowledge of configuration files (I have NOT tested this tool).
- mysql5-server - Main Database server for Apache2 installs. Install first if you are adding Apache2.
- mysql5-client - Includes the client binaries and the additional tools innotop, mysqlreport
- mysql-top - Installs mtop and mytop command line mysql monitoring tools (like top).
- apache2-mod-php5 - This is the main PHP5 Apache2 module.
- php5-modules - Installs useful gd and curl modules for Apache2/PHP.
- php5-mysql - Installs the MySql database PHP module.
- php5-postgre - Installs the Postgre database PHP module.
- apache2-mod-perl - Installs the Apache2 Perl module.
- apache2-mod-python - Installs the Apache2 Python module.
- apache2-mod-ruby - Installs the Apache2 Ruby module.
- back-to-menu
- nfs
- nfs-server - The entire NFS package.
- nfs-client - Just the client components.
- back-to-menu - Return to main menu.
- samba
- samba-server - the main Samba server group. Includes samba, smbclient, swat, smbfs, and winbind.
- swat - Web administration tool for Samba server.
- smb-client - These Samba client packages both contain the command line utilitiessmbclient, smbtar, and smbspool, as well as smbfs.
- smb4k - smb4k is the kde version of smb-client.
- komba2 - A kde GUI machine and share browser for the SMB protocol.
- winbind - Provides winbind. Can be used to resolve user and group information from a Windows NT server.
- fuse-smb - smb filesystem client + fuse-utils. Requires fuse kernel module.
- samba-docs - Documenation for Samba, also in pdf format.
- back-to-menu
- back-to-menu
- apache-mysql-php
- select-system-type - mainly to remove some packages from package groups for server installs. This is optional, use if you are building a server type system and don't want to install things like alsa, thunderbird, etc, using the package install section.
- client - system default, installs everything.
- server - removes some items you don't want running on a server from package group install lists.
- skip-return-to-menu - leave settings as they are.
- back-to-main-menu
- office ( detections done dynamically to offer you correct options for your system)
- package-removal
- Pick from a list of items, add them one by one, then select option to remove them., LibreOffice, as well as common gunk like isdn, vdr, wifi,, and so on. If you know you don't need the stuff, this will use some regex to find as many things in your system related as it can.
- remove-chosen - remove all selected
- back-to-main-menu
- clean-up-stuff
- apt-clean
- apt-autoclean
- kernel-remover - shows list of kernels, will remove all pieces, then also remove if you want, the smxi kernel download directories.
- remove-kernel-modules - list of all currently installed modules, remove those you don't need or want.
- clean-smxi-stuff - Clean various parts that smxi has created over time,
including backup files, kernel/graphics driver downloads, and configuration files.
Note: this can be run in X directly, by starting with this option: smxi -Y
You must be root, but you can run the cleanup tools without running the rest of smxi.- remove-backup-files - Delete all smxi generated backup files. This can be useful to run now and then since some tasks tend to collect backup files.
- remove-kernel-downloads - Remove the kernel downloads directory. These can get big over time so it pays to check and cleanup.
- remove-video-driver-downloads - Remove the video driver downloads directory. These can get big over time so it pays to check and cleanup.
- remove-virtual-machine-downloads - Remove virtual machine download directory. These can get big over time so it pays to check and cleanup.
- remove-log-files - Delete all smxi, svmi, and sgfxi log files.
- remove-script-configuration-files - Remove all script configuration files. Not recommended since then if you run the script again you have to run throught the setup routine all over again.
- uninstall-all-smxi - Yep, here it is, will run all the above, then remove all connected files from /usr/local/bin
- return-main-menu - Go back to main menu.
- debian-orphans - shows list of all packages possible to remove. Never remove these if you don't first double check list manually to make sure items are not needed. Also writes list to current /var/log/smxi.log
- remove-xorg-modules - removes all currently unused xorg modules. NEVER run this before the first time you've started X (if you built your system from scratch, that is). Always make sure you started your gui desktop at least one time before using this option.
- clean-cruft - cleans up anything located by dpkg -l | grep '^rc' - leftover cruft, that is.
- return-main-menu
- miscellaneous-tweaks
- mozilla-tweaks
- dump-gtk-file-handler
- tweak-gecko-prefs - updates prefs to use a good set, generally better than defaults.
- run-all-tweaks - runs the first 2
- swiftfox-plugins - updates system paths so swiftfox sees things like flash again.
- install-graphics - options for icons, grub splash, etc.
- kmenu-icon
- kmenu-sidebar
- grub-gfx-options - will download and install grub-gfxboot if you want it to, has list of grub message type files for different grub looks.
- continue
- advanced-tweaks
- change-debian-mirrors
- update-bashrc
- update-locales - get rid of all the extra locales some distros put in there.
- set-default-runlevel - change from defaults to anything you want for your display manager startup.
- alternate-print-hec - change smxi default from hit enter to continue to anything else you want.
- default-system-kernel - select, if applicable: liquorix (requires liquorix sources present), aptosid (requires aptosid sources present), siduction (requires siduction sources present), debian, no-kernel. no-kernel turns off pre upgrade kernel options. Liquorix and Siduction sources can be added in Advanced Kernel Options.
- apt-type - select apt-type, aptitude or apt-get
- upgrade-dist-upgrade - pick upgrade/safe-upgrade or dist-upgrade.
- restore-sources.list - convert the non Debian standard sources.list.d/ sub files back to standard sources.list single file format. Automatically writes contents of all files in sources.list.d/ back to sources.list and then deletes the sub files. Makes managing sources much easier.
- continue
- legacy-tweaks - generally not needed any more, but I left them in case someone needs to run it.
- alsa-conf
- start-splashy - avoid splashy, it causes nothing but problems, just watch the nice text scroll by instead!
- turn-off-splashy
- fix-init-scripts
- clean-kanotix-transitional (legacy)
- clean-kanotix-packages (legacy)
- continue
- libreoffice/openoffice-hold-install (note, detects installed version of or LibreOffice and offers you correct choice.
- libre/ooo-hold
- libre/ooo-remove-hold
- libre/ooo-update - installs latest packages but leaves hold/install status alone.
- return-main-menu
- continue
- mozilla-tweaks
- virtual-machine-installer - gets svmi, the standalone virtual machine installer script.
- install-vmware - downloads latest vmplayer package, unzips, and gets latest any-any, and runs it. Does not create vmx or vmdk files. Use for that purpose, they do a good job. (deprecated, no direct downloads of vmware player have been allowed since verson 3.0 came out)
- run-anyany - download, extract, and run any-any. Requires current vmware player to be installed already. Convenient to rebuild module after kernel upgrade. Deprecated - vmware player .bundle (vmplayer 2.5 or newer) package does not need any-any patch.
- make-qemu-image - legacy, only installs qemu, not much use.
- install-vbox-ose - full install, including adding vbox user to user group.
- build-vbox-module-ose - rebuild module if kernel changes.
- install-vbox-addons-ose - download iso file for addons.
- install-vbox-non-ose - download and install the latest VBox non-ose (non open source) edition. Please note: there is a real reason I don't offer to setup or use the vbox repos: vbox consistently breaks images etc on major upgrades, and I don't believe automatic upgrades of virtual machines are safe or desirable, especially if you use your virtual machine for real, production work, using snapshots etc (which generally fail every major upgrade of vbox).
- build-vbox-module-non-ose - rebuild module after kernel upgrade.
- install-vbox-addons-non-ose - same as ose now, used to be different.
- continue
- kernel-options ( see above, same options)
- (optional) Only appears if you are using an external script via -X option (see options for more on that). Will show as an extra option in Post Upgrade Options, like this: run-myscript (if your external script was called myscript).
- continue-to-graphics (go on to install non free or xorg drivers for your video card.) - Not present if -G is used
- start-desktop - start x / your desktop, if you don't need to update your video driver for new kernel or new xorg parts. Script lets you know when your kernel or xorg changed, ideally anyway - Not present if -G is used
- quit
- package-install. Primary sections are:
(NOTE: this is turned OFF if -G Gui option is used)- install-xorg-driver (for your card, if it's an intel/nvidia/ati)
- debian-nvidia/fglrx - install Debian version of nvidia or fglrx driver. Nvidia + Debian Testing doesn't work presently.
- List of available drivers for your card type and brand.
- Let's you try the latest beta driver for your card (nVidia/AMD-ATI only). This will not show specific drivers, because that's too complicated, sgfxi itself will let you know if there is a beta driver. If there isn't, sgfxi just uses the latest stable driver for your card type, automatically.
- start-desktop - skip driver install, just start x/desktop.
- quit - this is the final step if you skip graphics installer, exits smxi and leaves you in console to do other tasks if you want.
- sgfxi :: if you selected any of the graphics install options, smxi will start sgfxi, the graphics installer script.
- First, it will show you what it's going to do, which driver it will install, etc. If this information seems wrong, you can exit here and figure out what's not working.
- Once you select ok (hit enter), it downloads, extracts, runs installers, configures xorg, cleans up pre and post install stuff
- Final question asks if you want to start x/ reboot (start x if driver is installed to current kernel, reboot if it's installed to new kernel, pre reboot)
- quit - do other console tasks before starting x.
And that's about it. There are more details, but that's the basic rough structure and navigation of smxi.
Have fun.