How to install inxi using a variety of methods:

Page Version: 2.8
Page Updated: 2022-10-19

Please note that inxi will always support all Linux distributions as long as they have Perl 5.xx and the other recommended applications, and inxi dependencies will never require the latest of anything, so you can always safely install inxi on a system then update it to latest inxi version no matter what. In other words, if inxi runs the first time you install it, after updating dependencies, inxi will always run on your system, as long as the project remains in these hands.

If you use your distribution's package management system to install inxi, then you will have the man pages, if you install it manually, then just run inxi -U one time and it will grab the man page as well during the update.

Because inxi is spreading widely through the distribution ecosystem, always first check to see if a primary or secondary repository for your distribution has inxi before installing it manually, though some distributions have seriously out of data inxi versions, so you might want to install the package, then update it manually with -U. See the inxiFAQs page for directions on how to override distribution blocks of -U.

See bottom of page for directions on setting up Konversation links so you can just type in /inxi options to show inxi in IRC.


Installing inxi from distro repos

I can't track all the Linux distributions, these are the ones I know about as of 2022-06-01:


Installing inxi manually


Using inxi in Konversation

For modern KDE, make sure you have package qdbus-qt5 and qtchooser (Debian/Ubuntu + derived), qt5-qttools (Fedora/RHEL/OpenSUSE/SUSE), qt5-tools (Arch + derived) or check your distro for which package that owns qdbus. That package name may change as new qt versions are shipped, so just search for qdbus-qt in Debian/Ubuntu, or in your distro package pool.

For usage in Konversation (as root):

Note: there was a long standing bug in inxi which made it not work in Konversation in at least qt 5. That bug was finally found and fixed in inxi 3.3.23.

SMXI Installation

The Debian only smxi tool installs inxi with all dependencies and recommends.


Installing the inxi man page

If you did not use a distribution installed package to install inxi, then you might want to run inxi again to update the man pages as well, with this command: inxi -U This will then also install the man pages. Please do not use that option in general if you installed inxi from your distribution's repositories, the packagers should have included the man files in the inxi package. If in doubt, first try this command: man inxi

If nothing happens, you don't have the man page, which means you have either an old install, or you installed it manually. In that case, just upgrade it with -U and everything should be updated automatically. If the man page does not automatically update when you run -U, it means you have an older inxi, and need to use -U again, so the new version can then bring in the man page.
